Friday 12 August 2011

Holy Oil

A consecrated oil used in the administration of certain sacraments and ecclesiastical functions. Also there are Oils of different Saints, and Christians use it in their food, or use it when there is any pain in the body etc...
Going to the Church Mar Elias in Niha, Zahle, we were very welcomed, a very gentle woman explained us many things about the church and about Christianity. She also put the oil in my forehead even knowing that I am a muslim, also she did the sign of the cross in my head and also offered us the communion Bread and we shared it.

Here we were in the Church Mar Elias, a Rome Ortodox Church.


Like all the Arab, Lebanese people are also very superstitious. Although religion often is against it, some traditions never die. My grandmother Turkish Greek Orthodox, already said put this protection( accessory of blue eye) on your clothing, against evil eye. Here in Lebanon many stores sell this type of blue eye, which is "supposed" to protect the evil eye. Not only clothes, but accessories such as pendants, bracelets and earrings are used.
Even in cars and houses many ornaments of protection are seen in both houses  Christians and Muslims. Knock on wood is also a custom, in order to not be hit by envy. 
 Many Lebanese Christians and Muslims are very mystical and believe in witchcraft and in people who read the future in a cup of coffee, or hands.
Their religion condemns such acts, however it seems that sometimes people give more attention to tradition than to Religion, or mix it.


In many churches that I've visited, they give me Incense, and they use it in many ceremonies.
Incense is used in worship by Christians since antiquity, most of all in the Eastern Churches. It is an old practice rooted in the traditions of Judaism or even before. Is a mystical symbol as the prayer of the believer is raising  to heaven. In Islam, Muslims sometimes use the Incense in the cemetery in the graves of the saints or the loved ones.  Incense may also be used in the practices of certain Sufi orders