Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Rituals of the Holy month: RAMADAN

“O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,-”
As a Muslim friend of mine says: "Ramadan is the food of the spirit".
Religiously Ramadan is one of the most important period  in the Islamic World. Moreover in this Month most of traditions and rituals are held.

In the time of eftar(where the fasting is over and it is time to eat) :

In this month, families gather together more than ever, and dine together every night.  When the Adhan(Maghreb/ After Sunset) is recited in this month doesn’t mean just that it is a call to prayer, but also means that fasting is over, and already it's time to eat and drink. You look out the window and you do not see anyone on the streets, a harmonious silence. 
Moreover you can just watch people eating in their homes or on the balconies, and hear the noise of cutlery, glasses, etc...

Lebanon hardly lives quiet moments like these.

In the time of adhan some people set off fireworks to announce that it is time of eftar.

Exchange of Dishes: 

This month neighbors, exchange delicious plates, symbol of brotherhood and friendship. In my own building we have a very kind neighbor and in the time of eftar she always sends very delicious plates to us. Doesn’t matter if the plate is big or not, but this interaction between people is one thing that makes Ramadan Magic.

If you are a  Muslim or not, you will certainly wake up in the middle of the night when you come to Lebanon in the month of Ramadan and stay in a Muslim neighborhood, because once every night during this month, at approximately three o'clock in the morning, young people walk with drums, shouting the phrase: "Oh those who are asleep, up to the worship of One God, have your Suhoor (the act of eating at daybreak to prepare for another day of fasting),because Ramadan is coming to visit you”.
So people wake up, the families usually sit and eat together again before the sunrise, then they perform the prayer of morning.

Ovens Open:

In suhur many people eat in their homes, others will buy the famous Manaish (looks like a pizza, and it also made ​​with pasta and cheese), in the month the ovens are open during all night.

As every year, ornaments adorn every corner of the Muslims neighborhoods and central Lebanon,  lights as Christmas Eve, decorating the houses, stores and streets. Signs in all parts of Lebanon welcoming the Month of Ramadan.

Stirring Night:

 After the Eftar, people wander around Lebanon going to the beaches, mountains, eating delicious sweets, and smoking the flavored traditional arguile(huble bubble) two apples,the one preferred by the Lebanese population.

Typical Food:

The Arabic cuisine is delicious, much more in the month of Ramadan, where dishes, sweets and special drinks are prepared especially for the occasion. The good thing about all this is that if you're Muslim or not, you can enjoy the delights of this month.
This is the month of fasting, but also the month where people make delicious sweets, and typical food for this month which are not so spicy, because spicy food can make you thirsty in the next day.
Do not forget if you go to Lebanon at that time of year ask for Jalleb, a drink of this month, along with other natural juices, and delicious sweets as dates, Ataif, Namur Ma'a Ashta, Znoud Al-Set  and many others.
And As Lebanese says: Sahten (health for you).


In the Muslim neighborhoods, Restaurants are empty during the day and filled at night, and even some people who are not fasting prefer not to eat in public this month in respect of others. Also swimming pools, beaches are empty at this time.

Supplication and reading the Holy Qur'an:

Religious Leaders recommend  a lot of supplication in this month, and other prayers. Many meetings are made ​​for reading the Holy Quran. Believers are going to the mosque more often, and rely more and more to God the Most High.

The night of Decree:  
"Indeed, We sent it [i.e. the Qur’an] down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit [i.e. Gabriel] descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn." [Quran: 97: 1-5] 
The Noble Quran was sent down in the night of Al-Qadr(Decree), the blessed night. It is the anniversary of the night when the first verses of Quran were revelead to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH&HP).
In this night Muslims stay in worship all night, praying and asking for blessings.

Eid ul-Fitr (Feast of the fast break):

Marks the end of the Month of Ramadan, muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. Three days of holiday, in the first day they make a morning prayer in the mosque and pay the zakkat(the charity), usually the other days they visit each other, exchange gifts and many families go to their villages and visit their live relatives and their dead ones.

By the way now I am fasting it is Ramadan!

 Ramadan Kareem!