Thursday, 11 August 2011

Ashura's days

In the days of Ashura, Muslims Shiias and also Sunni remember the martyrdom of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), Imam Hussein (PBUH). Ten days of remembrance of the massacre made against the life of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), who had the head cut, relatives and companions dead, and  he was deprived of food and water, and was assassinated in this manner thirsty and hungry, a tragedy that marked the world history not only among Muslims but even for many Christians the sacrifice of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his martyrdom are great lessons of life. Some people regardless of religion can recognize great personalities.
These days there are many kinds of rituals and ways of remembering this massacre, some choose charity, others choose the Majlis ( which is the meeting with the story told by a Sheikh in a singing manner). They turn off the room lights up to let the environment more spiritual and more freedom for those who let the tears fall. Others made food in the streets in large pots and give to people, these food are typical food as Rhrice(made with grains and chicken), and also some sweets.
Moreover you can see that the color of Lebanon changes in these days, Muslims Lebanese wear much more black clothes than ever as a sing of lute and in many places you can hear the Anasheed (A kind of religious songs or recitations).
The tenth day of Ashura, people go  to the mosque, where Sheik tells about the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH), and how he had his head cut off.  After people go marching in the streets showing that Imam Hussein (PBUH) for Muslims is a symbol of justice, martyrdom and the struggle against the oppressor, and these feeling of justice and martyrdom should never die.